<% nav=2 Call SiteInfo fid=request.QueryString("fid") if fid<>"" and isnumeric(fid) then SQL="Select * from Qianbo_OthersSort where id="&fid&"" set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open SQL,conn,1,3 if not rs.eof then SortName=rs("SortNameCh") SortName_e=rs("SortNameEn") end if rs.close set rs=nothing else SortName="关于我们" SortName_e="About us" fid="" end if %> <% qid=request.QueryString("id") if qid<>"" and isnumeric(qid) then SQL="Select * from Qianbo_Others where id="&qid&"" else SQL="Select * from Qianbo_Others where id=39" end if set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open SQL,conn,1,3 if not rs.eof then tid=rs("SortID") nam=rs("OthersNameCh") nam_e=rs("OthersNameEn") ContentCh=rs("ContentCh") SQLa="Select * from Qianbo_OthersSort where id="&tid&"" set rsa=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rsa.open SQLa,conn,1,3 if not rsa.eof then llid=rsa("id") ffid=rsa("ParentID") SQLb="Select * from Qianbo_OthersSort where id="&llid&"" set rsb=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rsb.open SQLb,conn,1,3 if not rsb.eof then llname=rsb("SortNameCh") ' response.Write llname ' response.End() end if rsb.close set rsb=nothing SQLc="Select * from Qianbo_OthersSort where id="&ffid&"" set rsc=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rsc.open SQLc,conn,1,3 if not rsc.eof then ffname=rsc("SortNameCh") 'response.Write ffname 'response.End() end if rsc.close set rsc=nothing end if rsa.close set rsa=nothing end if rs.close set rs=nothing %> <%=nam%>_<%if fid<>"" then%><%=SortName%>_<%end if%><%=ComNameCh%> <%if nav=2 and request("fid")=cstr(1) then%> <%if Ad_Photo5<>"" then%>
<%end if%> <%elseif nav=2 and request("fid")=cstr(25) then%> <%if Ad_Photo8<>"" then%>
<%end if%> <%elseif nav=2 and request("fid")=cstr(26) then%> <%if Ad_Photo9<>"" then%>
<%end if%> <%elseif nav=2 and request("fid")=cstr(46) then%> <%if Ad_Photo10<>"" then%>
<%end if%> <%else%> <%if Ad_Photo5<>"" then%>
<%end if%> <%end if%>

<%if fid<>"" then%><%=SortName%><%else%>关于我们<%end if%>

您所在的位置:首页<%if fid<>"" and qid="" then%> > <%=SortName%> <%elseif fid<>"" and qid<>"" then%> > <%=SortName%> > <%=Nam%> <%else%> > 关于我们<%end if%>